Wednesday, February 23, 2011


We use Aevah's laundry basket as a barricade to keep her from going into the
kitchen. When she seen daddy placing the laundry basket down she looked up at me, looked up at Jeremy and looked at the laundry basket and gave us a very innocent but naughty grin! A grin that could either melt your heart or have you wondering what is on her mind. But she knew that this way to the kitchen was off limits.
So what did she do???

She ended up commando crawling over and under her pink walker, and scooted herself around and under the pipes of her blue jumperoo. Once she tackled Mommy and Daddy's cheap way of child proofing, she noticed that two bags of laundry next to the washer was blocking her from going around the table. So what did Aevah do?

Well, Aevah decided to army crawl herself between the four legs of our white dinning room chair and again crawled between the legs of another dinning room chair and happily and quickly crawled her way out from under the dinning table into the kitchen.

Here she is laying on her side in the kitchen with that little grin on her face. She made it! She can finally see what her daddy is cooking. These past week we've learned that the kitchen and the bathroom is Aevah's favorite crawl to spots. Sooo! looks like we're going to be on a hunt for those Baby Gates sooner than we expected... Because, sad to say "Our 8 inahalf month old has out smarted us."

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