Sunday, February 27, 2011


 Today I'm 25 weeks and 6 days pregnant and all I can say is I feel pretty darn good, at least pregnancy wise. I feel a little under the weather and I'm a little congested however none of these symptoms are related to my pregnancy (THANK GOD). Despite not having any nausea, tender breast and being fatigued, I did experience one random symptom which was a swollen right leg. I woke up Wed. morning to the most painful locked calf, it was so painful I could not put pressure on my right side, but after two days of rest I was in top shape, the swelling went down and the pain went away. I was ready to return back to another busy day at work...
    Other than my interesting random symptom, this weeks craving have been a little weird nothing out of the ordinary but just constant needing of specific things. Such as chocolate (candy bars, ice cream, red velvet cupcakes and donuts), taco bells ultimate famous crunchy wrap, and sushi (we love sushi). Every other day I would find myself wanting one or the other, or some times all. Just the first nibble makes me and Aiyana happy! With all the junk food I crave and eat, I'm some what hoping my weight has gone up by this coming Wed. because the last time I checked I was at high risk because I didn't gain any weight in my first trimester instead I lost weight. So fingers cross! Also this coming Wed. I have a glucose testing, yes! Another round of that nasty sugary orange pop for me. I hope I do good and pass with flying colors cause I really don't want to go through the long dragging 3 hours of needles... So fingers cross on that too! 
 All in all Aiyana is doing great, she is sure a little active one. Lately she love to kick and move around near my ribs which is a big "Ouch" some times because I can sure feel the shock and pain when it's her foot vs. my ribs. But shes been showing signs shes okay and that's all that matter. Hopefully we get to see her soon! It feels like its been forever.

I am 15 weeks away from my due date and we cannot believe how fast the time is going by. It seem like yesterday we just found out we were expecting baby #02. So let the count down begin!!!

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