Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Aevah got her second shot today, it was so sad. She cried for about a minute or so, which is the longest we have ever heard her cry for. I couldn't handle seeing her get poked and get her blood draw so her daddy! held her through the process. I know some times us mothers take the pain worse than our babys do, but I guess we expect the pain to be horrible. But overall she did really well. After that was over with, we got to see the nurse to do an updated weight check and our little Aevah gained 15oz., her birth weight was 6lbs 8.8oz. when we left the hospital she was 6lb 6.6oz. and than at her three day check she gained right back to her birth weight. Now a week after shes 7lbs. 7oz., she is really blooming...

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