Friday, January 20, 2012


 This month Aevah turned 21 months old. How crazy is that. In 3 months she will be turning 2... Oh! Oh! That means J and I will be dealing with a little one in the terrible twos. Hopefully, it's not as bad as some say it is. But I guess we'll have to wait and see...
 A message from Mommy and Daddy:
   Happy 21 month old our dearest Aevah-Narye.
Although you are still young to understand what these monthly celebration is about, we are just so thankful that god has blessed you with another month of life. Thank you for being such a great big sister and such a great helper. You maybe only 21 months old but you sure are a gifted smart little one. We love you very much! 
 Love, Mommy and Daddy

Also this month our dearest Aiyana-Nalee turned 7 months old. Yep! I said it 7 months old. How crazy insane is that. I still pinch myself when I see my little baby growing almost the same rate as her big sister, In 5 months, my little one will be turning the BIG O-N-E. Boy! am I going to miss those little tiny toes, and sleepy cuddle baby. But time is flying by and sadly we can't turn back time. So we just have to accept it. TEARS! But on a positive note, Aiyana is now mobile, she is crawling all over the place so that means Aevah has a playmate who can actually play with her YAY!
A message from Mommy and Daddy:
Happy 7 month old our dearest Aiyana-Nalee. We can't believe how fast you are growing into this little girl with such a beautiful personality. We are so blessed and thankful that god has sent you to us. You are truly a blessing. Thanks for being an easy and happy baby. We love you very much!
Love, Mommy and Daddy

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