Friday, January 27, 2012


This year we decided to start a new tradition for our family, and that is creating a memory jar. Basically a memory jar is a jar filled with memories (some thing your kids do or say, some thing funny that happened, some thing exciting that happened, or what ever you choose) based from each week of all 12 months and on New Years Eve, you would reveal and share each memory.

I discovered this off from Pinterest, and I fell in LOVE with this idea. What a cute way to keep and remember all the amazing funny, wonderful, and crazy memories created.

I’m off to find myself a big glass jar! and fill it with some of the memories I have written down in my mommy calendar and continue from here. I'll definitely add a picture of our Memory Jar once I purchase one and decorate it. But here is a picture of a Memory Jar that I came across on Pinterest. Cool huh!

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