Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Yesterday we took the girls to Hoover Dam, and had a little picnic there. It was awesome! Hoover Dam  is so beautiful and relaxing there, I just love it. Now, since we are still new to Nevada, J and I are still figuring out if Hoover Dam is in Nevada or in Arizona? But we did notice the welcome to Arizona sign. So I'm guessing its in Arizona. But if so, than Arizona marks the 6th state that Aevah has been to, and the 5th state Aiyana been to. Cool!

  I must say our picnic was the most peaceful lunch we've had in forever. Surrounded by this beautiful scenery and eating our homemade ham and cheese sandwich and mini carrots, made this day so special. The girls enjoyed it and I must say so did we. We are definitely doing more family outings because the weather here in Vegas is amazing. 

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