Thursday, January 19, 2012


When shopping for my girls or myself or even for house decor, I get almost everything second hand! I feel that I find the best designer labels and better quality of stuff at the thrift store then if I would have  at a department store.  It does take time because you have to search through every thing if you want to find that special thing. But I've never had any trouble with not finding any thing. I always walk out with a few things cause thrift store shopping makes shopping twice as fun for me and I love it!. I'm not materialistic and I don't want my children to be that way also, so taking them a long with me when I'm shopping at the thrift store is always special. 
Today we went shopping at our local Goodwill and Savers with a budget of 50.00,  sent to the girls from their great aunt. Since they needed bigger clothes, I decided the thrift store would be a great place to use the money. And sure enough it was. 
For all of these clothing items, my total came out to be under 40 dollars.. How awesome is that! Each item were priced under 2.99... Now that is a steal deal. Next thrift store shopping would be for furniture let's see if we can find some thing...=)

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