Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Aevah giving her FurReal Friend puppy milk in a bowl. How cute! She sure knows what to do at 21 months old.

Aiyana playing with the FurReal Friend puppy under the table. CUTE!
 If we wasn't renting a condo and had a house with a nice big yard, we would totally get us a puppy! But J and I have discussed that when we do get us our own place where we have a big yard we will get us a family dog. So I guess this FurReal Friend dogs goes for now...

Friday, January 27, 2012


This year we decided to start a new tradition for our family, and that is creating a memory jar. Basically a memory jar is a jar filled with memories (some thing your kids do or say, some thing funny that happened, some thing exciting that happened, or what ever you choose) based from each week of all 12 months and on New Years Eve, you would reveal and share each memory.

I discovered this off from Pinterest, and I fell in LOVE with this idea. What a cute way to keep and remember all the amazing funny, wonderful, and crazy memories created.

I’m off to find myself a big glass jar! and fill it with some of the memories I have written down in my mommy calendar and continue from here. I'll definitely add a picture of our Memory Jar once I purchase one and decorate it. But here is a picture of a Memory Jar that I came across on Pinterest. Cool huh!

Friday, January 20, 2012


 This month Aevah turned 21 months old. How crazy is that. In 3 months she will be turning 2... Oh! Oh! That means J and I will be dealing with a little one in the terrible twos. Hopefully, it's not as bad as some say it is. But I guess we'll have to wait and see...
 A message from Mommy and Daddy:
   Happy 21 month old our dearest Aevah-Narye.
Although you are still young to understand what these monthly celebration is about, we are just so thankful that god has blessed you with another month of life. Thank you for being such a great big sister and such a great helper. You maybe only 21 months old but you sure are a gifted smart little one. We love you very much! 
 Love, Mommy and Daddy

Also this month our dearest Aiyana-Nalee turned 7 months old. Yep! I said it 7 months old. How crazy insane is that. I still pinch myself when I see my little baby growing almost the same rate as her big sister, In 5 months, my little one will be turning the BIG O-N-E. Boy! am I going to miss those little tiny toes, and sleepy cuddle baby. But time is flying by and sadly we can't turn back time. So we just have to accept it. TEARS! But on a positive note, Aiyana is now mobile, she is crawling all over the place so that means Aevah has a playmate who can actually play with her YAY!
A message from Mommy and Daddy:
Happy 7 month old our dearest Aiyana-Nalee. We can't believe how fast you are growing into this little girl with such a beautiful personality. We are so blessed and thankful that god has sent you to us. You are truly a blessing. Thanks for being an easy and happy baby. We love you very much!
Love, Mommy and Daddy

Thursday, January 19, 2012


The best thing about having a sister is that we always have a friend.
                  A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.


When shopping for my girls or myself or even for house decor, I get almost everything second hand! I feel that I find the best designer labels and better quality of stuff at the thrift store then if I would have  at a department store.  It does take time because you have to search through every thing if you want to find that special thing. But I've never had any trouble with not finding any thing. I always walk out with a few things cause thrift store shopping makes shopping twice as fun for me and I love it!. I'm not materialistic and I don't want my children to be that way also, so taking them a long with me when I'm shopping at the thrift store is always special. 
Today we went shopping at our local Goodwill and Savers with a budget of 50.00,  sent to the girls from their great aunt. Since they needed bigger clothes, I decided the thrift store would be a great place to use the money. And sure enough it was. 
For all of these clothing items, my total came out to be under 40 dollars.. How awesome is that! Each item were priced under 2.99... Now that is a steal deal. Next thrift store shopping would be for furniture let's see if we can find some thing...=)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Yesterday we took the girls to Hoover Dam, and had a little picnic there. It was awesome! Hoover Dam  is so beautiful and relaxing there, I just love it. Now, since we are still new to Nevada, J and I are still figuring out if Hoover Dam is in Nevada or in Arizona? But we did notice the welcome to Arizona sign. So I'm guessing its in Arizona. But if so, than Arizona marks the 6th state that Aevah has been to, and the 5th state Aiyana been to. Cool!

  I must say our picnic was the most peaceful lunch we've had in forever. Surrounded by this beautiful scenery and eating our homemade ham and cheese sandwich and mini carrots, made this day so special. The girls enjoyed it and I must say so did we. We are definitely doing more family outings because the weather here in Vegas is amazing.