Thursday, February 23, 2012


 So this month Aevah turned 22 months old. In two months she will be turning two, not quite sure how I feel about that - all I know is that we are RAPIDLY approaching 24 months which is crazy...
At 22 months old Aevah...
- sings to some of her favorite cartoon shows.
- loves going to the park and sliding on the slide.
- enjoys taking pictures of herself.
- talks in full complete sentences and loves to talk story with mommy or daddy.
- is the best picker upper ever!
- gives tons of kisses and hugs.
- loves doing arts and crafts especially coloring.
-  knows how to count up to 5.
- can point out animals or objects upon request. 
-sings the ABC up to LMNO.  
- love dressing up and playing with makeup and hair accessories. (our little girly girl) 
- enjoy walking on trails and finding rocks.
- love nick jr or the sprout channel. 
- the bestest big sister EVER!   
& is by far way more funnier than we could have ever imagined!
A message from Mommy and Daddy:
To our Dearest Aevah-Narye... Happy 22 months old. We are so proud of all the miles stones you have accomplished this month. You sure surprise us every day with your crazy wild fun energy. Thank you for being such a great big sister. For a 22 month old you amaze us how well you get along with your sister, how helpful you are around the house, and how smart you are. We love you very much! and We are thankful god has blessed you with another month of happiness and good health. Love always, Mom and Dad!

 Also this month Aiyana made 8 months old. At this point 

I am for sure convinced that the months are coming and going in just a blink of an eye. She is 4 months away from her first birthday. Actually as I'm writing posting this up now, Aiyana has a week till she turns 9 months old so technically she will be 3 months away from her first birthday. Now that is crazy.... 
At 8 months old Aiyana...
-can say mom, dada, aebah (aevah), nana (bottle) and no!
- can fully sit down on her bum, crawls in the actual crawl stance, and pull herself up onto some thing and stand up. Also takes steps, while holding onto some thing.
-has approx. 5 teeth. (2 bottoms and 3 top)
-loves dancing to music or when you cheer her on to dance.
- enjoys eating baby mum mums and fruits. 
- loves playing with her big sister.
- loves taking pictures. 
- can wave hello and bye bye! 
& is also by far way more funnier than we could have ever imagine. 
A message from Mommy and Daddy:
 To Our Dearest Aiyana-Nalee... Happy 8 months old! You truly amaze us on how much you have accomplished in these  8 wonderful months. You have developed into this little person that we love and adore watching. Your smiles and laughs always bring us joy. Thanks for being such a easy baby to care for, you truly are a blessing in this family. And we can't express how amazing life is now that you are here. We love you very much! and We are thankful god has blessed you also with another month of happiness and good health. Love you always! Mom and Dad.

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