Friday, March 2, 2012


a shot of the desk area, book shelf and side stand.

a shot of the office from outside by the door way.
a shot of the desk and the closet and our ottoman. 
Thanks to my hubby for busting his butt off on his day off to clean out all of the boxes we had scattered all over in this room from our move and for also putting together my desk, side stand and bookshelf. YOU ROCK! My office/mom cave is finally done! And I love it!!! I still need to get me a office chair but I haven't had any luck finding one at the thrift store. But I know I'll find one soon, but for now I'm actually using our patio chair. LOL! its not that comfortable but it goes. I also still need to send some recent photo of the girls to Walgreen's photo printing dept. so I can put up pictures of the girls up on the wall. And this is pretty much it... The desk, book shelf and side table came in as a bundle and we purchased it for only 50 bucks. Normally each item alone cost more, so I got a steal deal. YAY! 

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