Friday, November 25, 2011


One of my pet peeves is dealing with judgmental ignorant and rude people. And these past several days it feels like I'm coming across a ton of them. For instance, we were in the store the other day and the cashier was surprised to see that we had two little ones. The first thing came out of her mouth when she seen the girls was wow! theres two of them, how far apart are your girls, after replying back, she looks at me and say " And, how old are you?" giving her my age she just gave me this look as if I am too young to raise my girls. Than she says, "no time for fun huh!, you're pretty much stuck" I mean come on seriously...
I am 22 years old, and I'm pretty mature for my age. Age shouldn't matter, I see younger mom's than myself who do a great job with parenting their kids. So what's the big idea on how close my kids are and what my age is. And as for me getting stuck, WTH does that mean. Doesn't mean I'm young I have to do what ever a child-less 22 years old would do. And I'm not stuck, I'm actually more adventures than I ever was. I still do some things that I always wish I did before having kids but in another form of way. In fact, thanks to my girl's I am inspired to more than I could ever imagine when I didn't have kids.  That really pissed me off... Why are people so opinionated, judgmental and ignorant? I know that its ridiculous for me to let this bother me but I just hate to deal with things like this.

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